Kajaks Return-It Express
Bag up your returnable empties, attach a Kajaks Fundraising sticker and drop off the bag at Return-It depot with Express window.
Stickers can be printed at the Depot. On the keypad, enter this phone number 5252572020 (KAJAKS2020).
It's that easy!

Kajaks Pub Night
Come join us for a fun social gathering.
Tickets are at $25/person, which includes burgers, chips, and choice of beverage. Kids are welcome until 8:00pm.
Lots of fun prizes for our silent auction. 50/50 Raffle on site.
You can purchase tickets through this form:
Tickets will be sold and can be picked up at Minoru Park - watch Team Snap for dates and times!
If you have items to donate to the silent auction, please fill out form: https://www.cognitoforms.com/KajaksTFC/KajaksPubNightSilentAuctionDonations

Purdy's Chocolates Fundraiser
2024 Ordering now closed.
Watch out for the next Purdy's fundraisr
If you're creating a new account, please enter this customer number 50072 on the registration page.
If you've already got an account, please enter this number once you've logged in: 50072
Click on JOIN CAMPAIGN and the shopping is easy from there!

Kajaks Mulch & Soil Fundraiser
Go to www.justmulch.ca and order premium organic soil, mulches, etc. Schedule a delivery to your location at no extra cost.
Use code KAJAKS at checkout to get your 10% discount.​