14+ Years Old
Athlete Development is for athletes in grade 8 - 12 and beyond. There are a few spots on the roster in most groups:​
Throws Training takes place at Collier Throwing Centre in Minoru Park
Monday to Friday - Discus, Hammer Throw, Shot Put starting at 4:30pm
Wednesday and Friday - Javelin 5:30-6:30pm
Saturday practices may be added in the warmer months.
Fees for the March 1st to August Athlete Development (AD) program is $700, this includes your BC Athletics membership fee for 2021.
Below is the online registration link and as always payment plans are available. Please get in touch with me to arrange that.
ONLINE REG: https://www.trackie.com/online-registration/register/2020-21-kajakstfc-membership/466298/
Please select Membership Type: 2021 Athlete Development Track & Field (March Intake)
Kajaks TFC Return to Sport Plan (January 2021) is attached. Every athlete's parent/guardian must sign off on the appropriate club and BC Athletics waivers prior to attending practice, and all Covid-era protocols must be observed or your athlete may be asked to leave practice.
Once you confirm your athlete's interest and get registration steps underway I will send you an invitation to the Team Snap page for the appropriate group. Then you will receive more information about how to find our coaches in the park, Club shirts and emails of waivers that will need to be completed prior to your athlete joining the team in the park.
What I Like About Throws:
Videos and photos show some of our athletes at practice, in competition, and discussing their favourite things about the Throws program.