Hello Kajaks Families and Future Athletes,
Kajaks JD training would usually move indoors in January for conditioning and skills training, but due to the current restrictions from the Provincial Health Office we have been unable to book any indoor space. Our JD Coaches are ready to go, so we will be outdoors this winter!
Along with our usual training, we will also be looking at conducting some Kajaks-only track events so that our athletes can get a feel for competing and, more importantly, see their development and progress, even if actual track meets are not held or not as usual this year. We want everyone to have fun and get a chance to run, jump and throw against themselves.
2021 Junior Development Programming and Membership options** for athletes ages 9-13! (**Athletes who have already registered for Spring 2021 see below for the option to upgrade)
Option 1 – ANNUAL (January to October) Junior Development MEMBERSHIP for 2021: $750
Membership Type: please select 2021 Annual Junior Development Membership (January to mid-July & XC)
Fee for this annual program is $750. Regular price is $825 - $75 discounted for the occasional winter weather cancellation
b. Annual Schedule (3 days per week)
Winter - January 11th to March 11th
Spring - March 29th to end of July
Fall - September & October - Cross Country
c. Weekly Schedule
Tuesday & Thursday from 4:30pm-5:45pm (Spring practices may run longer) at Clement Track & Collier Throwing Centre in Minoru Park
Saturday (times/locations will vary) will be for specialty practices and/or track & field meets
Option 2 – SEASONAL MEMBERSHIP Junior Development (see schedule above)
Winter 2021 - $200
Membership Type: please select 2021 Junior Development Winter Track & Field (January to Spring Break)
Spring 2021 - $500
Membership Type: please select 2021 Junior Development Spring & Summer Track & Field (April Intake)
Fall Cross Country (XC) 2021 - $200
Membership Type: please select 2021 Junior Development Cross Country - XC (September & October)
IMPORTANT NOTES to ensure compliance with Provincial Health Orders and to keep us all safe: ALL program attendees and members parent or guardian must review Kajaks TFC Return to Sport Plan (Dec 20/20), and compete all relevant waivers prior to their athlete attending practice (to be provided to new Athletes). Daily attendance (contact tracing) and Daily Health Screening must be completed on TeamSnap for each and every practice your athlete attends. No exceptions are permitted to these rules. Athletes who are not in compliance will not be able to participate in practice and no refunds will be granted.
** UPGRADE: JD Athletes who have already registered for 2021 Spring JD Program 2021 and would like to upgrade to an 2021 Annual JD Membership can do so by advising us at info@kajaks.org and paying the additional fee. Annual Membership fee is $750 - $500 JD Spring Program fee = $250 additional fee to be eligible for the whole annual membership's training schedule.
